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Laptop Work

About Me


My name is Josephine K. Boumis or Josie, and I am a Ph.D. student at the University of South Florida. Although born in Grand Rapids, MI I have decided to ditch the snow and instead invest in some quality time with the palm trees in Tampa, FL. I’m interested in specializing in advanced statistics, interpersonal communication with a focus on social support, and health communication with a focus on breast cancer research.


I completed my undergraduate studies at Michigan State University where I majored in Communication and Psychology with a minor in Public Relations. During my time there I got to experience many amazing sports moments, friendships, and even was able to do some traveling. My love for MSU led me to continue my education at MSU and I received my Master’s degree from the Department of Communication in May of 2020.


Outside of research and studying I am a big fan of food. I love to try new things and am always excited to chat about how great iced coffee is. I’m an avid binge watcher of tv series, and seem to always find myself re-watching my favorite ones (like The Office). I also really enjoy spending time with people and laughing so hard you can no longer hear my laughter. However, traveling is my favorite hobby because it combines all these things together – I can watch shows on the way to the destination, connect with people and a new culture, and I get to try new foods!

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