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Researching and Writing



I have the desire to pursue a deeper understanding of how individuals can support each other and how to better the lives of other people through this new knowledge. I believe that learning about this has the ability to impact people’s daily lives and result in better life outcomes for many. This passion underlies all of my current research interests.


Stemming from a strong quantitative approach, I study the human connection apparent in interpersonal relationships in a wide array of contexts. This will contribute to the wildly daunting task of trying to understand how to support one another more efficiently and effectively. I believe examining things like daily social support within interpersonal relationships is a key to unlocking this potentially powerful force. I am also focusing on health communication, with the specification of understanding the different ways in which women and their families need and give support throughout the experience of living with breast cancer.


There are some very exciting projects I'm currently working on that illuminate these interests. For example, one study is looking at how people conceptualize and provide invisible support in one of their interpersonal relationships. Another study is examining the support gaps people are experiencing in a close relationship throughout covid-19 and what impact those have. One last example is the breast cancer campaign evaluation I am working on. All these different projects speak to one of my passions within communication research and provide you a clearer picture of what it is I'm interested in. 


My love for learning, interest in statistics, and desire to help people leaves me trying to do what I hope will contribute the most to society and others – research.


CV linked here.

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